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Azerbaijan is well known for its balneological resorts. The unique combination of the sea air of the Caspian Sea and the foothills created the prerequisites for the further development of the tourist destination in the republic. The ancient culture is imprinted in the monuments, so there are many interesting objects, medical and preventive measures are perfectly combined with excursions. The best sanatoriums of Azerbaijan at an affordable price will provide an unforgettable vacation with treatment in Baku on the shores of the Caspian Sea, thanks to the healing air of the Transcaucasus.

Introduction to place and climate
Baku is rapidly changing, turning into a modern city. Health care has also changed. The medical and diagnostic base of the health resorts has been updated, the buildings have been brought into line with the requirements of the present. New directions and methods of work have appeared. Health-improving boarding houses are concentrated near the coastline, some of them have been specially moved closer to the foothills. All of them have a general health direction as the main one, and several additional specializations.


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